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What Lyla Offers

Lyla was designed to be light weight, embracing the minimal philosophy. But while her design is minimal, her features are incredibly powerful:

💵 AI shortcuts by Lyla (FREE):
Created by our AI engineers, our shortcuts are made up of one or multiple AI prompts for optimal text generation.

👀 Create Your Own AI Writing Shortcuts (FREE):
We give you the tools to create single prompt or extremely powerful multi-prompt shortcuts.

🗃️ Community Shortcut Library (FREE):
A library of community created AI shortcuts. Use or modify any shortcut to fit your needs.

✒️ AI Text Editor:
An AI enhanced text editor that works together with our AI shortcuts.

🗝️ "Bring You Own Key":
Also known as "BYOK". Use your own OpenAI API key (this is how we keep Lyla free!).

💻 Multiple AI Models:
Switch between different AI models (ChatGPT 4, ChatGPT 3.5, Davinci etc).

Lyla's AI Algorithms:
We are continually developing our own algorithms that augment the power of generative AI models like ChatGPT.

Our algorithms include:

  • Rewrite 100% unique content: No matter what content you are rewriting, this algorithm will ensure that it is 100% unique every time.
  • AI watermark remover: OpenAI adds their own "watermark" to all AI generated text. We've developed an algorithm specifically to remove this watermark and ensure your content will always be "100% human written".
  • Automatic script generation: Based on the AI shortcuts requirements
  • And more: Lyla has several proprietary algorithms running behind the scenes.